Upon the Passing of a Friend

An old friend of mine passed out of this life on Jan 26.

We had been corresponding “email pen pals” for over a decade and I had last seen him in person about 2 yrs ago when I reorganized my practice.

I hadn’t heard from him for over a week and then saw his obituary in the LVRJ.

I sent this last email to his address and posted it to his memory book

Hello to Paul’s Family and Friends,
Today I saw in the paper that Paul had passed away on 1/26/14.

That would explain the week without an email from him.

Paul was a very good man.He was honorable, competent, considerate and loyal.

 He loved his wife and family.

He had an engaged and logical mind with a curiosity that gave him a sparkle most people lack these days.

Dealing with the health issues , He never complained and understood that his machine had some problems
(especially the bent frame) that could not be fixed. None-the-less he met each day in a positive way.


I very much enjoyed my friendship with Paul and will miss him very much.

Now that He has shed this mortal coil I trust that His spirit is reunited with His Soulmate, Joanne and they can be eternally happy. I think of Two bright stars in the sky , now in a resonant, close orbit.

Sam Wise MD



– See more at: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/lvrj/paul-whisler-condolences/169543447?cid=full#sthash.Lp9pdZpD.dpuf



I went to his viewing yesterday and was able to talk with his son, so I decided to stay home and type today.

It is a strange thing to see the inanimate remnants of someone I used to know.

There was the empty machine , now abandoned  by the spark of his being.

Life is still a mysterious and special thing to me.

I don’t take credit for it but try to help take care of it whenever I can.

That is why starting Healthy.CoOp is so important to me.

Peoples lives should not be trivialized or treated as a commodity.

I want to help people become more aware and self actualized , to fulfill their potentials.

By being engaged in their lives they will be able to be assertive.

Being respectful of self is needed to be respectful of others, and understanding that each day is irreplaceable is a good start on the journey towards best fulfillment.

I know that there must be a better way to provide wellness and healthcare services than the current predatory system and  I believe Healthy.CoOp is the answer.

Now I need to build it.

Sam Wise MD

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2 Responses to Upon the Passing of a Friend

  1. Sherri Morris says:

    I have always enjoyed your perspective on life and living. We are trying to regroup here on the Big Island of Hawaii.
    Miss our talks
    Sherri and Keo

  2. Sally Foster says:

    I was touched by your thoughtful note about your pen pal friend and I am sure his family was as well.

    As someone who has worked in the medical profession for 40 years and was also your patient I was moved by your comments about your hopes for your patients and healthcare in the future.

    I was reminded again of what a caring and exceptional physician you are.

    I know your vision of Healthy.CoOp will succeed because you will be at the helm.

    Sadly our healthcare system as we once knew it is broken but if anyone can help us now it is you.

    Thank you, Sally Foster

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