November 5, 2013
Dr. Sam Wise
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Dear Dr. Wise:
Thank you for contacting the American Center for Law and Justice (“ACLJ”). We are always happy to hear from concerned citizens and ask that you continue to support our efforts. We have received the information you sent regarding the Affordable Care Act and the fact that some people are charged more because of their higher income. To the extent that disparities in insurance prices are due to income-based subsidies and/or tax credits provided by Congress, that is a policy issue that Congress may choose to revisit in the future, but it is not unconstitutional because under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has broad authority to spend money to promote the “general welfare.”
We appreciate your sharing your concerns with us and hope that you will feel free to contact us in the future should the need arise. It is concerned citizens, such as you, who continue to make a difference in our communities. We encourage you to stay involved with the ACLJ and informed on important contemporary legal issues. “Jay Sekulow Live” is a daily radio program which can be heard across the country. Please refer to our website at for the station closest to you. The website is also an excellent resource for news and the issues we deal with on a daily basis.
my response to them