About immunization hysteria

I recently was asked to comment on this   video    featuring Mr Kimmel.

Perhaps a more balanced view would include some Physicians who better respect, their patients, themselves and profession.

Rejecting all vaccination is like rejecting all medications because PHARMA is a ruthlessly predatory corrupt cartel and acetaminophen is poisonous.

There are some medications that are ineffective, many that have harmful side-effects, many are obscenely expensive and many are just harmful.

But not all.

Likewise, vaccinations have the same issues with even more problems mixed in like international politics and the assault upon private practice medicine in the USA.

As the misinformation is stirred up to distract the sheeple, more wrong is being done duplicitously under the banner of  “public good” for various ulterior motives.

Unfortunately, HealthCare has become neither and it is getting worse by the day.

Please , Stop the hysterical stampede and apply some logical thought .

Take a responsible role in your wellbeing by choosing to be the customer again instead of a passive victim.

If people applied as much thought and comparison shopping to their healthcare as they do to picking out a toaster, they would be healthier and happier.

Support direct wellness and healthcare by signing up for E-news at Healthy.CoOp

Thanks for your attention and Be Well.


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Healthy.CoOp Indiegogo campaign 7/4/14

Healthy.CoOp Indiegogo campaign went live on 7/4/14 and will run till 9/2/14.

Please support direct pay private practice wellness and healthcare where patients are the customers and  Physicians are professionals.

Healthy.CoOp exists for the wellbeing of it’s members, be sure to help it grow so it will be there when you need it.

Control your expenses for healthcare. By paying directly for routine healthcare and getting hospitalization /catastrophic insurance you can save money in your Healthy.CoOp facilitated scefcu.org account without the restrictions of an HSA.

It is no coincidence  that insurance companies have made record profits since ppaca, they have been taking more and more money from the consumer and providing less care.

Visit Healthy.CoOp Indiegogo campaign, make a donation , then share it with your contacts so everyone can support Healthy.CoOp to declare Independence from Insurance  interference and bad healthcare. 

Also, here is the address  https://www.indiegogo.com/project/preview/066cf4ed

Healthy.CoOp startup campaign 

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Regarding a Fine Gentleman

Regarding a fine gentleman


I just returned home from a sad but necessary event which was memorial services for my Uncle George who died a week ago.


He had  been diagnosed with untreatable cancer earlier this year.


It was just a week before he died that I drove to visit him and my aunt Rita. At that time,  My senior cousin Jack rode along with me and it was a great trip overall considering the purpose.


At George’s memorial yesterday I spoke briefly to the  audience about my first recollection of George and my recent visit with Him. Generally I am quite glib , but it emotion made it difficult to speak as I wanted.


When I was preparing for the travel to see him two weeks ago, I thought about what was my earliest recollection of George.


When I last visited with George I told him this story

“I pondered , what was my first memory of You?

When I was very young I was excited to have my first stay-over at someone else’s home, and guess who it was?  Your house!.

(George and Rita had a daughter  a couple years older than me and a son who was close to the same age as me.)

 After a busy day it was time for sleep, but not for me. Your home was on the side of a hill that overlooked the local airport. At night the beacon light of the airport shined continually onto the widows of the bedrooms, red then green then red again, all night long.


Although You were all asleep, I was not because I disliked the lightshow.


Cousin Tony was sleeping soundly as I walked out of the room to go into your bedroom. You and Rita were both sleeping soundly.


I pushed on your arm until you awakened and asked me what I wanted.


I told you that I did not like that red and green light shining in the window and that I wanted to go back to my home.


You got up, dressed and kindly drove me back to my house with no complaints. It was then, I knew that You were a good man and you have been a good uncle to me my whole life”


At that point both George and I had both had happy tears and a man-hug ensued.


George then told me that the airport beacon light was changed in 1956 and did not shine in their windows after that time, so I could not have been older than three years old at that time.


Only George would know such detail information.


For my entire life George was a positive male role model in my life and was always a good uncle to me. He was artistic and creative, highly organized and thoughtful.


I never saw him lose his temper! He was a history enthusiast and kept a great curiosity about how things worked, especially how nature worked.


Please visit the website which my Remarkable Uncle George created and share my Uncle’s view of the world




I will miss him very much and know impermanence is one of the facts of our existence.


Seeing my family and my cousins who all seemed to have aged more than me (until I looked in the mirror) reminded me again of how life is precious and limited.


So, please take time to be aware and engaged in your life. Choose to enjoy every day as it comes. Chose wellness no matter what your health issues, do not define yourself through pain and suffering, but rather by creating happiness for yourself and the people in your sphere of influence.


Enjoy the now, for it is all that we have.


Sam Wise MD








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Physicians Declaration of Independence

Recently I was sent a linkage to a WSJ article referencing a Physician declaration of independence by Daniel Croviotto MD.


I acknowledge his frustrations expressed within the article , but find the declaratives as imprecise.


Richard Amerling MD has a more defined Physicians Declaration of Independence published here



Check them out and please support direct private practice healthcare and wellness.


If you are unhappy about healthcare , join people who want to do something about it.


Join AAPS  , visit Healthy.CoOp , Talk about cash pay healthcare and don’t give the broken system any money.


Get Activated and Support Healthy.CoOp upcoming crowd-funding !


PO Box 82321

Las Vegas, NV 89180-2321



Thanks !




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My responses to Fifty Factoids


Hello Aaron,
See my answers in blue
On Feb 18, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Aaron wrote:
Any of this factual?
Human Mysteries
The Human Body is a treasure trove of mysteries, one that
still confounds doctors and scientists about the details of
its working. It’s not an overstatement to say that every
part of your body is a miracle. Here are fifty facts about
your body, some of which will leave you stunned…or…
 1. It’s possible for your
body to survive without a surprisingly large fraction of its
internal organs. Even if you lose your stomach, your spleen,
75% of your liver, 80% of your intestines, one kidney, one
lung, and virtually every organ from your pelvic and groin
area, you wouldn’t be very healthy, but you would live.
If you were to take all of the blood vessels in your body and lay them end to end
You would probably die before you could finish the project.

2. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to
fill two swimming pools. Actually, Saliva is more important
than you realize. If your saliva cannot dissolve something,
you cannot taste it.

How can you have a taste of success then? To test this, I started filling up the hot tub with spit but I am barely keeping up with evaporation.

3. The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and
the smallest is the male sperm.
The egg is actually the only cell
in the body that is visible by the naked eye.
That would explain why ovulation is painful.
4. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue and
the hardest bone is the jawbone.
All the time?
5. Human feet have 52 bones, accounting for one quarter of
all the human body’s bones.
Proves gravity once again, bones go downhill  too.
6. Feet have 500,000 sweat glands and can produce more than
a pint of sweat a day.
How many feet?
7. The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve
razor blades. The reason it doesn’t eat away at your
stomach is that the cells of your stomach wall renew
themselves so frequently that you get a new stomach lining
every three to four days.
So it would be safe to swallow a razor blade?
8. The human lungs contain approximately 2,400 kilometers
(1,500 mi) of airways and 300 to 500 million hollow
cavities, having a total surface area of about 70 square
meters, roughly the same area as one side of a tennis court.
Furthermore, if all of the capillaries that surround the
lung cavities were unwound and laid end to end, they would
extend for about 992 kilometers. Also, your left lung is
smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart.
See first answer
9. Sneezes regularly exceed 100 mph, while coughs clock in
at about 60 mph.

They would be even faster in an airplane depending on which way you were facing.

10. Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring
half a gallon of water to a boil.
Sounds great! I am trying to cook an egg in my armpit right now.
11. Your body has enough iron in it to make a nail 3 inches
Which nail is it?
12. Earwax production is necessary for good ear health. It
protects the delicate inner ear from bacteria, fungus, dirt
and even insects. It also cleans and lubricates the ear
So your finger won’t get stuck in there.
13. Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical twins,
who smell the same.
But only to each other.
14. Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born.
This is why one out of every 2,000 newborn infants has a
tooth when they are born
That is a safety feature for the baby, if they are too late in getting born, they can chew their way out.
15. A baby’s head is one-quarter of its total length,
but by the age of 25 will only be one-eighth of its total
length. This is because people’s heads grow at a much
slower rate than the rest of their bodies.
Not at first, obviously!
 16. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood the
number is reduced to 206. Some of the bones, like skull
bones, get fused into each other, bringing down the total
See the answer including gravity.
17. It’s not possible to tickle yourself. This is
because when you attempt to tickle yourself you are totally
aware of the exact time and manner in which the tickling
will occur, unlike when someone else tickles you.
Koko used to.
18. Less than one third of the human race has 20-20 vision.
This means that two out of three people cannot see
There are some who cannot see anything.
19. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents. But if
you are a woman, you are a better smeller than men, and will
remain a better smeller throughout your life.
I smell, therefore I am
20. The human body is estimated to have 60,000 miles of
blood vessels.
See first answer again.
21. The three things pregnant women dream most of during
their first trimester are frogs, worms and potted plants.
Scientists have no idea why this is so, but attribute it to
the growing imbalance of hormones in the body during
they left out “getting even with their husband for causing the situation”
22. The life span of a human hair is 3 to 7 years on
average. Every day the average person loses 60-100 strands
of hair. But don’t worry, you must lose over 50% of your
scalp hairs before it is apparent to anyone.
Hair today , gone tomorrow. also see fact number 18).
23. The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much
information as an encyclopedia.
Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen that enters your
bloodstream, and is itself made up of 80% water. Though it
interprets pain signals from the rest of the body, the brain
itself cannot feel pain.
World book or Britannica ? 20/80 rule. Since the brain is the boss, it makes the rest of the body feel pain. see answer to statement 21.)
24. The tooth is the only part of the human body that
can’t repair itself.
Teeth are so lazy!
25. Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your
nose and ears never stop growing.

So, if you live long enough you would be able to see your ear without using a mirror, but only on the same side as the eye because your nose would be blocking your view of the opposite ear. 

26. By 60 years of age, 60% of men and 40% of women will
Is it the opposite at 40 years of age?
27. We are about 1 cm taller in the morning than in the
evening, because during normal activities during the day,
the cartilage in our knees and other areas slowly compress.
Even if we sleep all day?
28. The brain operates on the same amount of power as
10-watt light bulb, even while you are sleeping. In fact,
the brain is much more active at night than during the day.
Another good reason for earwax, it blocks the brainlight from waking up your spouse as they are snoring.

29. Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as
170 miles per hour. Neurons continue to grow throughout
human life. Information travels at different speeds within
different types of neurons.

Information travels hardly at all in most morons, except false information of course.
30. It is a fact that people who dream more often and more
vividly, on an average have a higher Intelligence Quotient.
At least in their dreams.
31. The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger.
That is why it is used to salute fellow travelers in NY, is usually about 3″long and made of iron (see answer number 11).
32. Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the
body. This is true for men as well as women.
At last, equality of the sexes.
33. There are as many hairs per square inch on your body as
a chimpanzee.
So just one per square inch?

34. A human fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three

How do they get them from in there anyway?
But good thing that by then NSA knows about it too
35. By the age of 60, most people will have lost about half
their taste buds.
So be careful where you leave your buds after going out on a tasting.
36. About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin
home. But don’t worry, a majority of these are harmless
or even helpful bacteria.
Thanks to congress and the president there is a pathway for them to become citizens of your body without your approval.
37. The colder the room you sleep in, the higher the chances
are that you’ll have a bad dream.
See facts 21, 28, 30, 36, 43, 47 and 49
38. Human lips have a reddish color because of the great
concentration of tiny capillaries
just below the skin.
Good thing they are not outside your skin, that would not be so great.

39. Three hundred million cells die in the human body every

See factoid 36.

40. Like fingerprints, every individual has an unique tongue
print that can be used for identification.

See answer 34 and think about when you last heard of a crime being solved by use of a tongue print?
41. A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20
seconds after it has been decapitated.
How can you know unless it was your head?
42. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.
So we are better made for frowning.
43. Humans can make do longer without food than sleep.
Provided there is water, the average human could survive a
month to two months without food depending on their body fat
and other factors. Sleep deprived people, however, start
experiencing radical personality and psychological changes
after only a few sleepless days. The longest recorded time
anyone has ever gone without sleep is 11 days, at the end of
which the experimenter was awake, but stumbled over words,
hallucinated and frequently forgot what he was doing.
Not true,once I stayed awake for two weeks straight. At least that is how I remember it.

44. The most common blood type in the world is Type O. The
rarest blood type, A-H or Bombay blood, due to the location
of its discovery, has been found in less than hundred people
since it was discovered

I always thought that there were lots of people in Bombay.
45. Every human spent about half an hour after being
conceived, as a single cell. Shortly afterward, the cells
begin rapidly dividing and begin forming the components of a
tiny embryo.
By then , the NSA would know.
46. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer
than left-handed people do.
Too many wrong L turns
47. Your ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than
when you aren’t.
See 1,7,17,21,30,37,41 and 43
48. Koalas and primates are the only animals with unique
So what? When did you ever see a koala crime solved by using their fingerprints?
49. Humans are the only animals to produce emotional tears.
And some can do it at will!
50. The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood
30 feet in the air.
Never try this at home, see first answer.
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Upon the Passing of a Friend

An old friend of mine passed out of this life on Jan 26.

We had been corresponding “email pen pals” for over a decade and I had last seen him in person about 2 yrs ago when I reorganized my practice.

I hadn’t heard from him for over a week and then saw his obituary in the LVRJ.

I sent this last email to his address and posted it to his memory book

Hello to Paul’s Family and Friends,
Today I saw in the paper that Paul had passed away on 1/26/14.

That would explain the week without an email from him.

Paul was a very good man.He was honorable, competent, considerate and loyal.

 He loved his wife and family.

He had an engaged and logical mind with a curiosity that gave him a sparkle most people lack these days.

Dealing with the health issues , He never complained and understood that his machine had some problems
(especially the bent frame) that could not be fixed. None-the-less he met each day in a positive way.


I very much enjoyed my friendship with Paul and will miss him very much.

Now that He has shed this mortal coil I trust that His spirit is reunited with His Soulmate, Joanne and they can be eternally happy. I think of Two bright stars in the sky , now in a resonant, close orbit.

Sam Wise MD



– See more at: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/lvrj/paul-whisler-condolences/169543447?cid=full#sthash.Lp9pdZpD.dpuf



I went to his viewing yesterday and was able to talk with his son, so I decided to stay home and type today.

It is a strange thing to see the inanimate remnants of someone I used to know.

There was the empty machine , now abandoned  by the spark of his being.

Life is still a mysterious and special thing to me.

I don’t take credit for it but try to help take care of it whenever I can.

That is why starting Healthy.CoOp is so important to me.

Peoples lives should not be trivialized or treated as a commodity.

I want to help people become more aware and self actualized , to fulfill their potentials.

By being engaged in their lives they will be able to be assertive.

Being respectful of self is needed to be respectful of others, and understanding that each day is irreplaceable is a good start on the journey towards best fulfillment.

I know that there must be a better way to provide wellness and healthcare services than the current predatory system and  I believe Healthy.CoOp is the answer.

Now I need to build it.

Sam Wise MD

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Why Grandfather/ Grandmother might need a spinal tap

A problem often mischaracterized or “Why Grandfather/ Grandmother might need a spinal tap”

I want to highlight a problem that is very often overlooked or misinterpreted.

When a person over 60 years old begins to forget things and gets dulled intellectually there is an increasing frequency that they are given the diagnosis of “probable early Alzheimer’s disease”.

Interestingly, they are now often started on an assortment of quite expensive medications or a “study protocol” by the neurologist. Usually there is no improvement in function with the medications but the family is shamed into continuing them to the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. Such medications may even make matters worse by adding undesirable side effects.

I am dismayed that often those newly diagnosed as demented are not even given proper testing before this diagnosis and treatment are given. Most often there has been a cursory history and exam, which surprisingly often includes electro diagnostic testing such as, nerve conductions, EEG and evoked potential studies (none of which is definitive or actually helpful to diagnose dementia but are good income for the neurologist(s) involved).

I am still surprised that the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is often reached without having done any imaging of the brain whatsoever.

It is very important that a proper history, physical exam and testing be done because there is no cure for Alzheimer’s dementia but there are many other conditions which can be improved or cured by early, proper intervention.

Remember that many correctable medical conditions can cause reduced mental function. A good example is severe thyroid disease may cause significant cognitive impairment and can be likewise significantly improved by corrective treatment. Be sure thyroid testing is done as part of a thorough medical evaluation.

What is Hydrocephalus anyway? Our brains make the spinal fluid  and normally it flows from a cavern (ventricle) in the center of each side of our brain to the base of our brain where the two channels combine. Then the spinal fluid flows out of our head into the neck and down the spinal canal where it is absorbed. The production and absorption of spinal fluid should be in balance.

There are two age groups that have the most hydrocephalus, infants and people over 60 years old. It is possible but very uncommon in the people of in-between ages.

Hydrocephalus (water on the brain) is the reason that the pediatrician measures around the baby’s head. In infants the bones of the skull are soft and not yet stuck together along the edges so if there is poor drainage of the brain fluid, the head gets bigger as the fluid accumulates. Placement of a drain in the ventricles of the brain to bring the excess fluid under the skin down the neck to the abdominal cavity can save the infant from brain damage and intellectual retardation. Hydrocephalus is then mostly forgotten about past the infant stage.

Once the skull is hardened and fused into a solid shell to protect the brain, excess water in the brain cannot be determined by measuring the outside of the head since it will not increase in size. If there is too much water in the brain of an adult, brain damage can result.

The second peak occurrence of hydrocephalus is in adults over 50, increasing by each further decade of age. The triad of symptoms for adult hydrocephalus consists of: cognitive changes; bladder incontinence’ and impaired gait.

Cognitive changes such as poor memory, somnolence, irritability, wandering, reduced hygiene, apathy or blunted affect may be seen with adult hydrocephalus.

Bladder incontinence is a classic symptom of hydrocephalus.

Gait disturbances in hydrocephalus may look like alcohol abuse. Frequent falling, difficulty getting up from sitting and generalized clumsiness are common with adult hydrocephalus.

It is important that a brain scan be performed to see if the internal spaces (ventricles) of the brain are enlarged (ventriculomegaly).

However, there are some variations of hydrocephalus, which may not make the ventricles look significantly enlarged! That is why it is very important to move to the next step in diagnosis and have a large volume spinal tap done. Under fluoroscopy, a needle is inserted into the spinal canal and 40 to 60 cc of spinal fluid is taken out. If the person has hydrocephalus, there usually is a significant improvement in alertness and generalized function! This improvement in function may last for a few hours up to a few weeks in duration. Once the diagnosis of hydrocephalus is confirmed the affected adult can have a Ventricular peritoneal shunt placed by the neurosurgeon.

Placing a VP shunt for hydrocephalus is one of the most successful surgeries that neurosurgeons perform. When hydrocephalus is the problem, a shunting can bring back the parent from the progressive brain fog to improved functioning.  It is often a remarkable improvement in function, which improves life for the patient and the family who care about them.

The failure to properly diagnose adult hydrocephalus is a tragedy that can be averted.

A large volume spinal tap followed by careful observation for the effects is the most physiologic and reliable testing for hydrocephalus in adults.

Be Well and be sure to think about water on the brain when grandparents are showing the triple symptoms of mental status changes, impaired bladder control and impaired gait.

Sam Wise MD

AskDrWise.Com  ©

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Selling acetaminophen poison over the counter

New Thoughts about some old medicines


One of the curious societal  circumstances is that poisonous drugs are allowed to be sold over the counter in an unregulated fashion and nontoxic ones are restricted. I don’t understand why this is so, only that it is so.

One of the oldest medicines in use is aspirin. Salicylic acid was initially extracted from willow bark ( from latin salix=willow tree) and subsequently made synthetically.

It is a phenolic phytohormone which acts throughout the plant to induce defensive responses in the plant to pathogens. Volatile methyl-salicylate is naturally produced by the willow when stressed and will induce a similar response in nearby plants when they are exposed to the vapours.

Willow was used as a herbal remedy for fevers, pain, acne and arthritis. It has an assortment of side effects like urticaria ( rash) deafness, metabolic acidosis and Reyes syndrome.

Continuing applications of Salicylic acid are for acne, as a treatment of dandruff and for dissolving calluses as an exfoliative (removes dead skin).

salicyic acid








In 1897 the Bayer company modified Salicylate by acetylation and “Aspirin” (acetylsalicylic acid ) was born. This was aggressively marketed by Bayer even though it had been first synthesized by the French chemist Gerhardt in 1853.

It was better tolerated that the simple salicylate compound and had additional effects. It is estimated that currently 40,000 tonnes are consumed annually!

(PS: as partial reparations extracted from Germany after WWI Bayer’s patents were invalidated by seizure and dispersed to the conquerors . Aspirin was one of those patents)

acetylsalycyic acid







Bayer laboratories was a busy place and one of the things they were working on in 1865 was a synthetic blue dye to replace the expensive and uncommon plant derived blue indigo dyes.

These indigo dyes were rare and expensive enough to be called “blue gold” in ancient India. The natural dyes are a metabolite of the ring/cyclic amino acid Tryptophan, made by the specific fermentation of certain plants in big piles by the Indians to create the blue color.














The destructive distillation of indigo in 1826 produced aniline, a toxic ring compound related to phenol and benzene. This chemical is used for many chemical reactions including the production of polyurethanes and many dyes in the “colourant industry”.

A cheap and reliable aniline purple dye was made accidentally by 18 yr old William Henry Perkin in england who was attempting to make quinine in chemistry class. Because He was a student and not employed by a chemical firm, he was able to patent the compound and build a fortune in the dye works.

Later variations of this compound were used for “ditto” machines to print those fragrant blue copies that many of us remember. It was probably carcinogenic too!












While experimenting with aniline, the bayer company made a white powder from coal- tar derived aniline which they called phenacetin or acetanilide.

Since it was colorless and not useful as a dye, they wondered what they could do with it to make money…….. So they gave it to sick people!

It would block fever and people who took it would have less pain complaints but a significant number of them would unfortunately turn blue and die. The compound is a general metabolic poison and will often induce methemoglobinemia or even wide spread acute hemolysis.


Despite those little problems it was widely marketed as APC (aspirin-phenacetin-caffiene) until being withdrawn from the market in 1983 because of cancer causing and kidney killing effects (renal papillary necrosis). If that doesn’t kill you right away , it caused cancer of the kidneys and urological tract (likely other cancers as well).








A metabolite of phenacetin was observed, then synthesized and has been independently marketed since 1887, it is called acetaminophen or paracetamol or APAP or Tylenol. It is the first direct metabolite of phenacetin  in people.









It was mixed with various other compounds most notably with codeine to limit the “abuse ” of codeine and make those who took too much codeine ill! (curiously codeine and the other narcotics are notably NON_TOXIC in comparison to acetaminophen).

How does such a regulatory mind work that would add a poison to a non-toxic medicine purposely to make people sick?

For discussion, codeine is a natural narcotic chemical derived from the poppy. Other natural narcotics are morphine and theobaine . Morphine was isolated from the poppy in 1804 and it’s structure as a complex polycyclic was not defined till much later.

Chemically Modified semi-synthetic) narcotics in common use today are hydrocodone and oxycodone. When they are mixed with acetaminophen/APAP they are called lortab or percocet respectively.


These are very common medications and amount to huge $ in the “pharmaceutical ” trade.


So what is the problem You may ask? Despite increasing irrefutable data about the toxicity of acetaminophen , it is still being taken like candy over the counter. It is in many witches-brew compounds and is an adulterant in narcotic prescriptions (such as percocet, tylenol- codiene , and lortab).


Acetaminophen is a leading cause of liver disease in the world through acute and chronic mechanisms! Acetaminophen associated Kidney disease is well known and the increase in cancers of all types is highly suspect. There is evidence that Alzheimer’s disease is linked with intake of acetaminophen .

Taking tylenol with narcotics is particularly bad because the less poisonous / more natural narcotics are better suited to our metabolism and get preferential attention by our liver cytochrome p450 enzymes.

When this happens, acetaminophen is shunted to a secondary pathway of N-hydroxylation to form the toxic alkylating metabolite NAPQI which irreversibly attacks glutathione and other important compounds in our bodies ( like our DNA and critical proteins).

Some people have metabolisms which preferentially produce NAPQI from acetaminophen even without having any competing compounds like the narcotics present.

Having even the smallest amount of alcohol in your system when taking acetaminophen is equally toxic. Because the  liver metabolism prioritizes natural chemicals like alcohol  and pushes un-natural chemicals like acetaminophen to N-hydroxylations pathways it is imperative to Avoid having any acetaminophen intake with alcohol.

NAPQI metabolism










When the increasing incidence of cancers of all types are noted, the wide spread ingestion of acetaminophen is very concerning. I would like to see acetaminophen banned in all forms.

Just recently, A new “black box warning” has been put on acetaminophen products stating that it may cause liver failure. It should say “does and will cause liver failure”.

Tylenol is particularly poisonous to Cats! Even with very small amounts they have untreatable hemolysis (rupturing of the red blood cells) with methemoglobinemia , kidney failure , turn blue and suffocate/asphyxiate. Snakes are poisoned just like cats. Dogs suffer liver damage.

Use of acetaminophen to poison brown tree snakes in Guam has recently resurfaced  but the article entirely leaves out the facts about acetaminophen toxicity in people. They neglected to mention that acetaminophen is also poisonous to fish, birds, mammals, cats, dogs and essentially all animals . Any cat which eats the dead mouse full of acetaminophen will die too.

Acetaminophen overdose is a major problem and is associated with irreversible liver damage leading to liver failure and then death over a 2 to 3 day period, There is only limited treatment possible for acetaminophen overdose and no cure for the liver failure.

I ask: ” Why has  poisonous acetaminophen not been removed from the market ?”

You know the answer………… big $$$$ to be lost by reduced direct sales and profits made due to the causative indirect disease  .

Consider that world production of acetaminophen/paracetamol is estimated at 145,000 tonnes (metric tons) or 319,670,280 lbs or 290,000,000,000  tablets of 500 milligram dosage.

So, please avoid taking acetaminophen in any form.

Ask to have narcotic analgesics in their pure form without added poisonous APAP. Take an aspirin instead, but only now and then and never give one to your cat because it will poison them almost the same as APAP.

Choose to avoid poisonous acetaminophen in any and all forms!

Be Well

Sam Wise MD


Posted in Articles Written by Dr Wise | 1 Comment

ACLJ response to prejudice in PPACA



November 5, 2013




Dr. Sam Wise


Las Vegas, NV  89146


Dear Dr. Wise:


Thank you for contacting the American Center for Law and Justice (“ACLJ”). We are always happy to hear from concerned citizens and ask that you continue to support our efforts. We have received the information you sent regarding the Affordable Care Act and the fact that some people are charged more because of their higher income. To the extent that disparities in insurance prices are due to income-based subsidies and/or tax credits provided by Congress, that is a policy issue that Congress may choose to revisit in the future, but it is not unconstitutional because under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has broad authority to spend money to promote the “general welfare.”


We appreciate your sharing your concerns with us and hope that you will feel free to contact us in the future should the need arise. It is concerned citizens, such as you, who continue to make a difference in our communities. We encourage you to stay involved with the ACLJ and informed on important contemporary legal issues. “Jay Sekulow Live” is a daily radio program which can be heard across the country. Please refer to our website at www.aclj.org for the station closest to you. The website is also an excellent resource for news and the issues we deal with on a daily basis.








my response to them



You missed the point that if you are poor you are charged more too!
There is No subsidy for a  person with income of 32% of poverty level?
how is that correct ?
subsidy based upon income should be easily understood and help those with lowest income most. Excluding them from coverage and forcing them into medicaid neglect is not correct.
The price of a product or service should be the same whether the buyer is poor or wealthy.
Subsidy for poor is a different matter.
Poverty does not make you unwell but  being unwell can push you to poverty.
See my post at AskDrWise.com
I will add your reply
SamWise MD
Posted in Letters by Dr Wise | Leave a comment

Prejudice in PPACA

On 9/28/13 I tried accessing various sites which purported to be informative about the PPACA (obamacare) premium pricing .

Most of them didn’t work but I was able to access the Kaiser Family Foundation.org site and the PPACA calculator.

What I found was  highly unacceptable, so much so that on that same day I authored the following inquiry letter to the ACLU via their website



Request for an Investigation by ACLU


I am a physician board certified in Physical medicine and rehabilitation.


My practice has included many people with injuries and disabling conditions. I am very concerned about having non-prejudicial access to quality private practice healthcare and wellness for all persons. As we are perched on the edge of PPACA activation I am concerned about the high risk for fraud and abuse.


I believe that you will agree that it is wrong to charge a person more money for a product or service based on their income . The cost of an item or service is the cost and it should not change prices depending on who wanted to purchase it.


It would be especially wrong to exclude people you have a prejudice against from a transaction by telling them the price was 327% of what you would charge another person for the same service/product.


This would be especially wrong if the vendor especially disliked the poor and charged them more than people with high incomes for the same service or product to push them out of the market.


Checking on the Kaiser  website     http://kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/     I discovered that if I listed my income at a $5000 level vs  $50,000 Kaiser  would charge much more for presumably the same coverage if I entered $5000 than if the value entered is $50,000!


I am still the same 60 year old nonsmoking man whether I make $5000 a year or $50,000 a year. My health risks are precisely the same.




Clearly , this  is a planned systemic design which can have no explanation except prejudice, fraud, collusion and exploitation. I would bet you that any such “calculator ” is biased the same way no matter where it is located within the “exchange market place”


I am contacting you because I have no trust or faith in the federal government  , Kaiser  or the health insurance cabal to correctly behave.  Asking a pirate to not rob you will not make them stop.


They need to be punished for this scheme , ideally before they steal too much more money and denigrate/abuse any more people.


I would like you to carefully look at what I have discovered and consider what it means.


Then I would like to meet with you directly to discuss my concerns in as much detail as needed so that you will be motivated to investigate the extent of this wrongful collusion ( these are precedent RICO level infractions including the federal government itself!) and take effective actions.  This scheme needs to be interrupted/ limited for the protection of our citizens at risk and those involved in the racketeering need to be punished maximally.


Sam Wise MD


On October 2,2013 I got the following response from  Allison Bowmer

( bowmer@aclunv.org )


October 2, 2013


Dear Dr. Wise:


Thank you for contacting the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada. Your letter requesting assistance has been received and reviewed by this office. Unfortunately, the ACLU of Nevada is unable to assist you or provide representation in this matter.


The ACLU of Nevada is a privately funded non-profit organization that relies heavily on the services of both volunteer interns and attorneys. Our mission is to protect and promote the Bill of Rights which places restrictions on abusive government policy. In this endeavor, we are often faced with limited resources to meet the many challenges to freedom and justice.


Due to these constraints, the ACLU of Nevada must focus on cases where the facts are not in substantial dispute and which have wide-ranging civil liberties implications. In order to use our resources most effectively, we limit our representation to those cases where our participation can benefit a large sector of people and lead to a change in law. Even among those types of cases, we can take only a small percentage of the many meritorious complaints that we receive.


Our decision in your case was based on these factors alone and not on a legal judgment of its merits. This letter should not discourage you from pursuing a resolution through other appropriate channels. Please be advised that there may be statutes of limitations or other deadlines that affect your lawsuit or grievance. To protect your rights, you may wish to consult with an attorney to find out what deadlines apply in your case.


The ACLU of Nevada cannot provide referrals to individual attorneys. However, you may wish to contact the State Bar of Nevada’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service at (800) 789-5747 for the name of a local attorney who may be able to assist you in this matter or your local legal services may provide assistance on selected matters if you fall within certain income and other guidelines. A list of possible referrals that may find you some resolution is available at: http://aclunv.org/files/Referral.pdf. Additionally, informaiton about your rights is available on our website at: http://aclunv.org/kyr.


In the future, if you have a complaint that you would like to file with the ACLU of Nevada, please visithttp://aclunv.org to fill out our on-line intake form.


We wish you the best in resolving your difficulties.




ACLU of Nevada



The response from aclunv.org  vv Alison Bowmer was about what I had anticipated.

There was no specific comment on the actual concern  which they called “your difficulties” , whatever that really means. It seems to me that prejudice against the poor or ill is a bill of rights issue, but what do I know? Further the letter infers that the facts were in dispute, and they are not.

When I was looking at the KFF.org site I entered several values for income and found that the premium estimates for coverage

changed significantly based upon how much  $ was entered.


Note that one option they provided to me is to purchase catastrophic insurance which has a $12,700 out of pocket deductible  threshold, but covers “preventive care” (?).

No estimate of premium was given for catastrophic insurance.

I would like an official Explanation how  and why a person making $5000 (32% of poverty level) income would not be given a subsidy  and a person making $50,000 per year would be given a $9,011 subsidy.

A person making $500,000 annually would not be given a subsidy ( go figure).

A proper system would provide an appropriate subsidy based upon actual income, so making only $5,000 annually should have resulted in a larger subsidy than the $9,011 offered during the calculation based upon $50,000 annual income.

The demonstrated Prejudicial pricing is just the tip of the iceberg.

There is no evidence that being poor makes you unwell, but certainly being unwell can make you poor.

Likewise, being wealthy won’t necessarily make you well. If you have the wrong spiders for doctors , being wealthy can make you dead like Michael Jackson.

If forced into programs like the killing fields of medicaid which are designed to implement demise via structured neglect  , the poor, disabled and elderly are going to the ovens.

See screen captures below
5k1 5K2 50K1 50K2 500k1 500k2



kaiser calc ppaca1 Kaiser PPAACA calc 2 Kaiser PPACA calc3

















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